Moving from Menieres, Tinnitus, Stress, Anxiety & Disease to Balance, Hope & Ease with Liz Green Law of Attraction Queen sharing her journey to wellness along with lots of support

Posts tagged ‘blog for menieres’

Menieres Disease Making Small Changes & The Butterfly Effect

butterfly spiral

I knew I was “meant” to be here typing this post today.  I didn’t know what I was going to share until I arrived here.  In the past couple of weeks I have had 2 episodes with Menieres ~ the first one was the best I have had yet (if you can call it best ?!?) that said it was the easiest episode I have had to date with only an hours worth of spins and a few pukes 😉  This in turn led to a few weeks of slightly out of the word feelings accompanied by some rather strange dreams.  A couple of days ago my ears filled right up and the buzzing started (not the buzzing of my vibes, although I have been doing lots of that as well) I knew the inevitable was coming and decided to put into practice some of the things I have been sharing and learning over at my other blog Liz-Green.Com

I have been putting into practice allowing whatever be in each now moment to be.  I know this sounds scary with Menieres as I too have spent a long time “trying” to fight it.  A little like its a raging war in my head ~ doing my best to bring in the troops and do all that is in my power to save myself!  I know you know what I mean….

There are so many practical things we can try and do.  So many practices and processes.  So many different kinds of diets and lifestyle choices.

For me I have had enough of trying.  I gave up and gave into it.  Being with the fears it was bringing up for me in each moment.  Will I die? Will this go on forever?  What if it happens whist I am alone?  What if it never stops?  Will I be able to live a normal life?  Why me????

I know in a way I am “trying” a new thing here in that I am allowing whatever to be just be.  Its not like the trying I have been doing. Its the paradox of letting go to the trying.  Just being.  Being with whatever is.

I feel this is why the first episode a few weeks ago was so soft and gentle ~ softened and quickly dissolved into love.  Then I guess my monkey mind chatter took over and said I had more to get out of my system.  So I guess in a way I attracted and manifested what occurred a few days ago.  I am still feeling a little wobbly with a strange out of this world haze around me at the moment.  Knowing this too shall pass 🙂  it always does hey!

So…. Onto the butterfly effect.  I was led to picking a picture with butterflies on in a spiral shape after watching an abraham hicks video on youtube with a similar picture.  I have also been learning how to do wire wrapped jewelery and spiral wire bracelets and necklaces (great synchronicity with the spirals here) As I posted this picture here on the post today I pondered over the title…. Butterfly spiral?  Spirals of butterflies?  It had no meaning…. Then I remembered the butterfly effect.  First of all the film with Josh Hartnet (is it Josh who’s in it? ~ he’s the cute one 😉 )

I googled the butterfly effect and this bit on the Wiki popped right out at me….

The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction, especially in scenarios involving time travel. Additionally, works of fiction that involve points at which the storyline diverges during a seemingly minor event, resulting in a significantly different outcome than would have occurred without the divergence, are an example of the butterfly effect.

I know its talking about fiction here ~ thats how I see life ~ its a big movie we are directing and starting in as the lead.  Life is an illusion we are creating (to know more about this get into my blog I listed above)

How I saw this to relate to Menieres and making slight changes to the way we react and feel about it…..

Simple and often small changes in the way we be can have huge changes and effects.

Since my experiences this last few weeks I have been able to express myself on my video diary (in bed too may I add ~ this is SO not me ~ usually! lol) I have attracted a Menieres support group to go to locally and will be sharing lots of tips tricks and techniques that I find really help to support this often debilitating disease.

The changes I made ~ however slight have had big changes in my life.

As I said I type this here today in a little Menieres fog ~ I do hope it supports you to know you aren’t the only one going through this and we are all in this together.

Take a leaf ~ or maybe a wing from the butterfly effect and see what a difference it could make in your life 🙂

I am going to keep focused on this ~ small changes ~ baby steps ~ trust and faith

here’s a video I made from my “sick bed”  sliver puke bucket in hand 😉 Click here to view on youtube ~ Sharing more about Menieres ~ Shame embarassment helplessness & healing

Finding hope and creating my balance ♥

Beaming So much love to you fellow traveler ♥

Liz ♥ 🙂

BORED of The RINGS ~ Ascending into SPINS & Trusting the Process


My first “official” blog post here and I am actually feeling hopeful about this whole healing process “take 2” ~ I have been here before and at the time shared a little about my journey with Menieres Dis….ease ~ I made a few videos too (I’ll post them at the end) I thought I had cracked it by sorting out the general things changing the way I was living, food choices, exercise, cutting out salt, caffeine, smoking (not that I smoked a lot…haaahmmm! I stopped in 2010 😉 )  I also started to take a much steadier relaxed view on life…. Appreciating leaving the corporate world knowing this just wasn’t a match…  My hearts always said to me stress is a TRIGGER ~ so I have been doing lots of breathing, relaxing and allowing…. just being in the moment….

Then after a little over indulgence last weekend, and this was nothing major!  Some nice wine and foods (maybe with a little too much salt in) and a little bit of a later night than normal… I have also missed my bike riding and yoga this last few weeks due to changes to plans and snow…  I woke up Monday morning my right ear FILLED right up… I felt the intense wooshing noise I hadn’t had for some time… It was literally DOING MY HEAD IN ~ a constant consistent feeling ~ planes taking off in my head…..

That said I knew a nice chilled week would support me, I find continuing with my coaching practice really supports me with having purpose and something to take my mind off the sounds and feelings… I am also appreciating that I do a lot of coaching on the phone and via skype so I can be comfortable at home continuing with the sessions.  I had my regulars booked in and loved sharing vibes ~ I always find the sessions synchronistically tie in with how I am feeling in each moment so its win/win for me 🙂   In between my coaching I rested up ~ listened to positive uplifting music and youtube videos, read inspirational books, did my angel cards, took baths, ate well, slept plenty, chatted with friends and family and kept myself feeling as uplifted as I could in each moment….

I generally find that during these periods of “ringing”, whooshing and fullness in my ears the last thing I need is to be anywhere noisy, busy and bustling…. That said I have always in the past seemed to attract situations where I put myself in the midst of such things… On Thursday I had a hotel booked in Manchester city and me and chap cat were going to see a live music gig for which I was really excited.  I also had an appointment booked into for my hair doing neither of which I wanted to miss… In hindsight a restful few days longer at home would have served me but I choose to plod on think positive and do my best….

I was feeling really bored of the rings on Thursday morning and chose to focus on feeling well and doing my best (a saying I learnt whilst on a spiritual journey in peru a few years ago URPICHAY! kept coming to mind ~ it means I am doing my best)  So I did my best to enjoy my day ~ I was ok at the hairdressers and felt a little better ~ by the time we had got to manchester had a meal out and got to the gig the whooshing and ringing had increased and I knew an “attack” was inevitable…. We had to leave the gig during the 3rd song ~ GUTTED!   We jumped in a taxi back to the hotel and I manged to get some sleep before waking up in the early hours knowing it was coming on and there was nothing I could do to control this….

It was very different this time around ~ rather than spinning on a downward spiral of fear and anxiety I allowed a myself to be with, breathe with and release these feelings in a loving and nurturing way… I used EFT (Emotional freedom technique) and tapped through the feelings coming up ~ fear of being so sick, out of control, not being able to see properly, move without being sick, fear of motion, falling, the overwhelming vertigo feelings.  Basically being completely out of control..   I surrendered into the feelings and just allowed whatever was coming up and out to be….  I listened to meditations and uplifting youtube videos, I used Ho~oponopono healing technique and I even managed to have a bit of a laugh in among the feelings of despair saying I was now a “peaceful puker” my chap cat being my “puke partner” supporting me every step of the way…

better out than in!

I am still regaining my balance as I share this here today and want to show my appreciation of healing through opening up and sharing, knowing that this is just a “story” in my life, a great friend of mine suggested looking at these kind of life experiences as waking dreams to be able to disassociate from the pain of whats happening or happened 🙂 knowing its all good and in divine order 🙂  Really IT IS… even though sometimes we may not feel it to be so along the way…  I came up with the idea of sharing this blog whilst in the midst of the “spin” and really feel its given me a way to ascend rather than descend with the spiral….

I hope by me sharing my journey here it will support you too ~ whatever challenges happen in our lives we can choose to change the way we look at them ~ “when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”  ~ I choose to see challenges as opportunities ~ opportunities to clear and cleanse my vibes as well as making practical inspired changes to allow the healing to happen as naturally as possible….

I was going to call this blog “Bored of the Rings” ~ a take on lord of the rings with the bucket being Precious!  I decided to go with create balance and find hope as I feel thats the key to healing with menieres and such dis…eases ~ to reach for hope ~ to accept we create our reality and we choose to feel whatever feelings we are feeling ~ the emotional scale is an amazing example which for me pretty much sums up the cycle of dis…ease and the feelings we should be letting come up and out to clear the way and allow the healing process ~ you can learn more about it here….

click here for more about the emotional scale

So with that said a problem shared really IS a problem halved ~ and the more we share the more we reduce the negative emotions which can be pent up around the problems we encounter in our lives…. I am sticking with my FAVE saying “its all good” and choosing to take the bounce onwards and upwards to a life of as much balance as I can allow…  Trusting the process…

I intend to share my journey and in the words of Arni ~ I WILL BE BACK 😉

If you would like to connect, have a chat and share support on your healing journey get in touch my doors always open ~ you can message me direct I’d love to hear from you 🙂  As I mentioned in this post I am an energy coach and would love to support you 🙂

& heres the videos I made during healing “take 1” just click the following 2 links ~  Finding balance and feeling well & from dis…ease to ease

beaming you lotsa love, balance and hope,

Liz ❤
